The Embassy of Italy in Yangon has launched a second round of webinars aimed at increasing, in coordination with the Ministry of Health and Sports of the Republic of Union of Myanmar and the Yangon Office of the World Health Organization, the local capacities in the fight against Covid-19. The seminars are organized by the Embassy in cooperation with medical doctors and managers from the hospital “Spedali Civili” of Brescia, one of the cities which was most severely hit during the first phase of the pandemic in Italy.
The online seminar, which took place on 8 October, was attended by officials in charge of public hospitals were Covid-19 patients are treated, Directors General of the Myanmar Ministry of Health and Sports and representatives from international organizations most involved in the response against the pandemic, including the World Bank and other UN Agencies. The participants benefited from the presentation of dr. Michela Bezzi, Director of the Pneumology Department of “Spedali Civili”, who shared her experience in fighting against the virus with an approach both scientifically rigorous and concrete.